It's back to school time so grab your favorite pen and paper, turn on some deep flow music and complete the assignments below. Respond to this email and let me know what you discovered about yourself.Â
SIMPLE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #1-Your vision of HEALTH...a road map of sorts.Write a detailed paragraph painting a vivid picture of what effortless health looks like to you. Give it some thought. Use your imagination. Try not to look back to past experiences, an old body weight or previous level of fitness from long ago. Instead LOOK FORWARD to where you want to go in the here and now. Consider how you want your FUTURE SELF to experience life and what that 2.0 version of you, feels like, acts like, works like. What does HEALTHY YOU eat? How does HEALTHY YOU move? Is HEALTHY YOU ENERGETIC, RESTED, CALM, CONFIDENT? Put pen to paper or fingers to keypad and describe HEALTHY YOU in detail. Record your thoughts in the present tense, as if they are happening now. SIMPLE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #2-Identify your you can lean into them when you're trying to make changes.We all have unique gifts and strengths. Much of the time those strengths are collecting dust on a shelf somewhere simply because we haven’t thoughtfully identified them, and we don’t know how to apply them to life. You’ll discover that tapping into those unique gifts comes in real handy when we want to stretch and grow. Not only that but a strength in one area of your life can be leveraged in other areas of your life. This assignment is meant to help you dust off those strengths and gifts so you can display them front and center along your health journey. Knowing your personal strengths can help you harness your own power when you encounter setbacks, frustrations or disappointments along your health journey and throughout life in general. On a piece of paper boldly brainstorm your strengths. Choose 3 that will serve you well on your health journey. Write a sentence or two for each strength describing how this strength can be used as a tool on your health journey. SIMPLE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #3-Express GRATITUDE...for your wise wonderful body.Regardless of the things you're hoping to change about your body you likely have many things you can be grateful for as well. I believe acknowledging what we are grateful for about our wise, wonderful bodies is one of the first steps to making improvements. You may not love everything about your body, but you can be grateful and respectful as you seek Improvement. Make a list of 10 things you appreciate about your body and describe why.